Cheap Grace, Part 2
Cheap Grace So, what does that mean, do you think, for us 'Piskies today? This question comes from Robert in reference to the above meme. This is the second part of my response to the question. In my last post , I talked about civic responsibility and being a Christian - how we as Christians need to speak out when people in power use the Christian name but do not follow Christian doctrine and discipline. As the old expression goes, "When one finger is pointed away from you, there are always three pointed back." If we are to demand that others follow such things and call for authenticity in public religiosity, then we ourselves are compelled to the same standard. Otherwise, we would make ourselves out to be hypocrites. So really, what about us Episcopalians? For us as Episcopalians, this is also a call to keep our own house in order. This quote really is directed at Christians (not just Episcopalians) and our practices. I...